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Reverend Alexander Reid

11th October 1783 - 3rd May 1849

Find a Grave

According to the text accompanying the above image, Alexander Reid was born on 11th October 1783 in Kirktown of Auchterless, Aberdeenshire, the son of William Reid.

The marriage of Alexander Reid and Mary Troup was recorded at Nigg, Kincardineshire:

The Rev.d Alexander Reid minister of
Kildrummy, & Mary Troup in this Parish
declared a purpose of Marriage and did
what is usual in such a case; wherefore their
intention of Marriage having been publish-
ed three several Lord’s Days in this Parish
Kirk in audience of the Congregation for the
time convened, & no impediment occurring
they were lawfully married this fifteenth
Day of January 1818

The Rev. Alexander Reid is known as a Catanach family friend but any relationship by blood or marriage has not yet been determined. Certainly, his level of involvement far transcended the ordinary concern of a Parish Minister.

Four letters written by him to Elizabeth Catanach have been preserved.

The first of these is dated 4th January 1822 and relates to his intromissions as executor to Elizabeth’s recently departed father, George Catanach, a role which indirectly involved him in the administration of business outstanding from the Last Will and Testament of Margaret Lindsay MS Gordon, relating to certain postponed bequests in favour of Mrs Margaret Umphray and her children, as well as others.

Alexander Reid to Elizabeth Catanach, 04 January 1822

The second, dated 17th June in the same year, relates to arrangements for the settlement of the bequests in favour of Mrs Umphray and her children. From the greetings at the end, we have apparent confirmation that his wife’s Christian name was Mary as well as an indication that his children at that time were William and Margaret.

Alexander Reid to Elizabeth Catanach, 17 June 1822

This particular saga terminated with the receipt of a formal discharge, dated 9th October 1822, granted by Mrs Umphray, her daughter (by then Mrs Mary Alexander) and Mary’s husband, George Alexander, in which they acknowledged payment of the legacies by the Reverend Reid; his forename, presumably since unknown to them, was left blank.

Discharge relative to bequests to Mrs Margaret Umphray, née Wemyss

In a letter dated 27th March 1827, Mr Reid promised to write a letter, long-delayed, to Elizabeth’s brother, Robert Catanach, who had gone to Jamaica. He also acknowledged a letter with the gift of gloves for himself and his wife, from Jane Mellis, Elizabeth’s niece. He also expressed his gratitude ‘for your kind offer with regard to Margt but we have not yet determined what to do with her during the summer.’ In his closing salutations, mention was made of Mrs Reid and of ‘My Aunt’, not otherwise identified.

Alexander Reid to Elizabeth Catanach, 27 March 1827

A final letter in the series, dated 3rd October 1827, struck a far more sombre tone. Mr Reid sounded the alarm concerning Robert Catanach’s failure to respond to his letters, despite having had ample time in which to do so. As matters transpired, the reverend gentleman’s concerns were well-founded. Mention was made of a Mr Walker, Elizabeth’s Minister in Huntly. Again, ‘My Aunt and Mrs R’ were included in the closing salutations.

Alexander Reid to Elizabeth Catanach, 03 October 1827

‘The Revd Alexr Reid Minister of Kildrummy’ was one of two executors nominate under the terms of the Last Will and Testament of Elizabeth Catanach, subscribed in 1830.

Last Will & Testament of Elizabeth Catanach

Again according to Find a Grave, the Reverend Alexander Reid died on 3rd May 1849, aged 65, and was buried in Kildrummy Churchyard, Aberdeenshire, Scotland. The monumental inscription is very hard to read but the following approximation is quoted as it is given there:

In memory of Rev ALEXANDER REID d 3.5.1849 in the 67th year & 37 yrs minister parish of Kildrummie. wife
MARY TROUP d 13.9.1834 aged 41 yr, their children
JOHN REID d 15.5.1830 in 9th yr,
ALEXANDER aged 3 months,
ISABELLA d 21.5.1848 aged 22y,
GORDON 30.9.1852 aged 21y,
ERSKINE ELIZABETH, wife of George Stephen, d Torquay 30.11.1852 aged 29 y and interred there, first son
WILLIAM 20 yrs schoolmaster, Glenbuchat, d 5.11.1865 aged 47yrs.

The above William Reid, Parochial Schoolmaster and Registrar (single), died on 5th November 1865 at 3h 30m am, at the Schoolhouse, Glenbucket. His age was entered as 47. The cause of death was certified as phthisis pulmonalis, from which he had been suffering for six years. The informant on the 8th at Glenbucket was John Christie, the deceased’s brother-in-law, entered as not present, ‘now minister of Kildrummy’.

William’s parents were recalled as Alexander Reid, ‘Parochial Clergyman (Deceased) of Kildrummy’ and Mary Reid MS Troup, also deceased.