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Mifs Catanach

                       Kildrummy 3rd Octr 1827.

    Dear Madam

                    I wrote to your Brother sometime
in Summer last, but have received no Answer, altho’
there has been ample time for it, and I have too good
reason to think you have received none either or else I would
have heard of it. The last letter I wrote to him was at the
suggestion of your Minister Mr Walker, who, I am happy
to think would be very willing to do anything in his power.
What would you think if he or I were to write to the Clergy-
man of the Parish in which your Brother resides, if we could
find out his addrefs, who would know if he were dead or alive,
as it seems all other methods are ineffectual. I have some
thoughts of being in Huntly in a short time, and shall
at any rate call at your door as I pafs. in the mean time
My Aunt and Mrs R: Unite in best respects to you
& I remain          Dear Madam

                                                        Yours Most Sincerely

                                                                    Alexr Reid

Rev. Alexander Reid to Elizabeth Catanach, re Robert Catanach