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I Elizabeth Catanach residing in Huntly
considering the certainty of death and uncerta
inty of thime (sic) therof (sic) in order to prevent any
dispute that might arise among friends
after my death, make my last will and testame
nt as under. I hearby (sic) nominate and appoint
Mr Wilm Mellis Mercht in Huntly and the
Revd Alexr Reid Minister of Kildrummy my
executors, with full powers to them to intromit
with all my Effects and subjects both
personal and heritable ; and to give up
Inventery (sic) thereof, and do every thing competent
to ixicutors (sic) under the following restrictions. –
first I will and require that thay (sic)
pay all my just Debts and Funeral expences (sic)
and secondly that thy (sic) pay the Riminder (sic)
of my subjick (sic) arising ether (sic) frome (sic) sale of
furniture, payment of Bills, or Debts
which may be owing to me any Maner (sic) of
way, to my Neice (sic) Jane Mellise sic only Surviving
Daughter of the said Wilm Mellis by hir (sic)
Mother Isabel Catanach my Sister for hir
(sic) sole life1 and Behof and this to be paid as
soon after my death as may be and this
I declare to be my last will and tistament (sic)
reserving, however to my self full power
to alter or renovate2 the same – and I
concent (sic) to the registration herof (sic) in the books
of council and Session or others competint (sic)
thereto for preservation and therefor
constitute my Provs      In witnefs
where of I have subscribed this present
writen (sic)      with my own name at huntly
this day 29 July in the year of God 1830
before Witnefs Thos. Paterson and J. Anderson in Huntly
      Elizabeth Catanach

Thos. Paterson Witnefs
James Anderson witnefs

1 ‘Life’ should presumably read ‘use’.
2 Ought not ‘renovate’ to be ‘revoke’?

Last Will and Testament of Elizabeth Catanach, of which the sole beneficiary was Jane Mellis