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Written on 2/- stamped paper

We Mrs. Margaret Wemyss or Umphray, relict
of the deceased Mr. John Umphray Merchant in
Fochabers, Mrs. Mary Umphray or Alexander, daughter
of the said Margaret Wemyss and John Umphray,
and spouse to George Alexander merchant in Banff,
with the special advice of my said husband, and
I the said George Alexander for my own right
and interest – Considering that Mrs. Margaret
Gordon residing in Aberdeen relict of the deceased
John Lindsay late of Madras, by her Last Will
and Testament, dated the twenty ninth day of
June eighteen hundred and five, constituted
and appointed Messrs Peter Wemyss residing
at Gibston and George Catanach at Bridge of
Mosset her brothers in law, both now deceased, to be
her Executors, administrators and intromitters with
the whole moveable and personal estate that should
belong to her at the time of her death with power
to do every thing thereanent competent to Executors
– And she thereby inter alia bequeathed the following
legacies viz – To me the said Mrs. Margaret
Wemyss or Umphray the sum of Sixty pounds
Sterling – To Alexander Umphray my son, now
deceased, the sum of Ten pounds Sterling – and
to me the said Mrs. Mary Umphray or Alexander,
the like sum of Ten pounds Sterling – together
with her metal watch - which Legacies so
bequeathed the said Executors were directed to lay
out at Interest, and to pay the Interest thereof to
the said George Catanach and his wife the
Testatrix’s sister during their lives and to the
survivor of them, and at the first term of
Whitsunday or Matinmas after the death of
the longest liver of them, the said Legacies re-
served as above mentioned be paid to us the persons
to whom they are bequeathed as aforesaid, or
our heirs. And now seeing that the
Reverend                     Reid Minister of the
Gospel at Kildrummy, as Executor of the
said George Catanach deceased, has made
payment to us the said Mrs. Margaret
Wemyss or Umphray and Mrs. Mary Umphray
or Alexander for ourselves, and as representatives
of the said Alexr. Umphray deceased, the
sum of Seventy ffour pounds Sterling in
full of the said Legacies bequeathed as aforesaid
being in the proportion which the whole free
funds left by the said Testatrix Mrs. Margaret
Gordon or Lindsay bear to the Legacies bequeathed
by her. Therefore we have exonered and
discharged, as we by these presents exoner,
acquit and simpliciter discharge the
said Reverend                     Reid, as Executor
foresaid, and all others the Representatives
of the said Mrs. Margaret Gordon or Lindsay
of the whole Legacies bequeathed to us and
the said Alexander Umphray as aforesaid and
of every claim competent to us or either of us
under her Last Will and Testament any
manner of way – which discharge we oblige
ourselves, and our heirs, Executors and Successors
to warrant at all hands. In witness whereof
these presents are written on this and the
two preceding pages of legally stamped paper
by Edward Mortimer Clerk to John Smith
Writer in Banff are subscribed by the parties
at Banff the ninth day of October eighteen hundred
and twenty two years before witnesses Alexander Russel
Merchant in Fochabers and John Smith Writer in
Banff -

Alexr. Rufsell witnefs
John Smith Witnefs
           Margt Umphray
           Mary Alexander
           Geo Alexander

Discharge granted by Margaret Umphray et al relative to the will of the late Margaret Lindsay MS Gordon, in respect of settlement received from the Rev. Alexander Reid