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Last Will



Of Mrs Lindsay


4/- (referring to Stamp Duty)

At Aberdeen the twentieth day of January in the
year Eighteen hundred and Six In presence of Arthur
Dingwall Fordyce of Culsh Doctor of Laws Commifsary
of Aberdeen Compeared Andrew Jopp advocate in Aberdeen
as Pro’r and gave in the Last Will and Testament under
written desiring the same might be insert & registered
in the Commifsary Court Books of Aberdeen in terms of
the clause of Registration therein contained which aquest
the Commifsary foresaid finding reasonable ordained the
same to be done accordingly whereof the tenor
follows viz. I Margaret Gordon residing in Aberdeen
relict of the deceased John Lindsay late of Madras,
in order to settle my affairs do hereby constitute &
appoint Peter Wemyss residing at Gibston and George
Catanach at bridge of Mosset, my brothers in law
to be my Executors, administrators, and intromitters
with the whole moveable and personal Estate that
shall belong to me at the time of my death ; with
full power to them to intromit with my whole
moveables and Executry of every description ; to give
up Inventories thereof ; to confirm the same; and
generally, to do every thing in the in the premises competent
to Executors. Declaring always that the said Peter
Wemyfs and George Catanach, shall hold the said
subjects in trust only to be disposed of by them in the
following manner vizt. In the first place in payment of
all my lawful debts and funeral charges, and of such
necessary expences (sic) as may be laid out in Confirming
and recovering my effects ; and next, in payment of
the following legacies which I do hereby give & bequeath
to the persons after mentioned namely, to Margaret
Wemyss, daughter of the said Peter Wemyss, and spouse to
John Umphray merchant in Fochabers, the sum of Sixty
pounds sterling; To Alexander and Mary Umphray children
of the said Margaret Wemyss and John
Umphray, the sum of Ten pounds sterlg: each ; and to
the said Mary Umphray my metal watch to Elizabeth
Catanach daughter of the said George Catanach, the
sum of Thirty four pounds sterling, together with all
my clothes, and whole household furniture ; except my
mulberry striped satin gown which I hereby bequeath
to Margaret Catanach daughter of the said George
Catanach and Relict of the Reverend George Gibb late
Episcopal Clergyman in Turriff, To whom I further give
and bequeath the sum of Twenty pounds sterling ; To
Isobel Catanach, daughter of the said George Catanach,
and spouse to William Mellis Manufacturer in Huntly
the sum of Twenty pounds sterling ; To Charlotte Catanach
daughter of the said George Catanach, and spouse to
John Stewart in Newmill the sum of Twenty pounds
sterling ; To Mrs. Catharine Gordon, relict of the deceased Mr
John Leslie late Merchant in Aberdeen, the sum of
Twenty pounds sterling ; To Roger, Elizabeth, Anne
and Isabella Catharine Aitkens, Children of the
Reverend Roger Aitken residing at Broadford, near
Aberdeen, the sum of Five pounds sterling each ; To the
said Reverend Roger Aitken my Gold ring
containing some of the hair of his deceased wife ; and
Miss Joan Wilson daughter of the deceased James
Wilson Esqr. of Finzeach the sum of Five pounds
sterling. And I ordain my said Executors to make
payment of the foresaid legacies at the first term of
Whitsunday or martinmas after my death, with
interest of the same from that time, while the same
shall remain unpaid, except the Legacies bequeathed
the said Margaret Wemyss and her children, and to the
said Isobel and Charlotte Catanachs which shall be
laid out at interest by my said Executors and the
interest thereof be paid to the said George Catanach and
his present wife my sister during their lives and to the
survivor of them, and at the first term of Whitsunday
or martinmas after the death of the longest liver of
them, the said Legacys reserved as above mentioned
shall be paid to the persons to whom they are bequeathed
as aforesaid, or to their heirs respectively ; and I further
ordain that my said Executors shall deliver the articles
before mentioned, other than the pecuniary legacies,
within one month after my death ; and if there shall
be any residue, after paying the foresaid legacies,
falling under this Testament, I do hereby give and
bequeath to my said Executors equally between
them. And this I declare to be my last will & Testament
Reserving always full power to my self to revoke the
same at pleasure ; dispensing with the delivery hereof
and Declaring, that these presents shall be valid and
effectual, though found in my custody undelivered at the
time of my death. And I consent to the Registration
hereof in the books of Council and Session or others
competent, therein to remain for preservation, and for
that purpose constitute
                         My Pro’rs + In witnefs whereof these
presents, written on this and the two preceding pages
by the said Reverend Roger Aitken are subscribed
by me at Aberdeen the twenty ninth day of June
in the year Eighteen hundred and five before these
witnefses, Thomas Spark bookseller in Aberdeen, and
James Forsyth apprentice to Mefsrs. Angus and Son
booksellers also in Aberdeen (signed) Margt.
Lindsay, Thos. Spark witnefs, James Forsyth witnefs
Extracted on this and the three preceding pages by
                                                 Chas. Gordon

Last Will and Testament of Margaret Lindsay MS Gordon