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Mifs Elisabeth Catanach

Kildrummy 17th June 1822.

        Dear Madam

                      I am sorry to inform you that I have
got no Cash to you from Alexr McDonald, nor will he
settle with you or pay any Rent to Ward house till poor
May be removed. I know not if he could be forced to pay
or not, but May is to remove without any trouble, she is
promised a stance for a house from Alexr Menzies, as she is
very unwilling to go far from a place where she has resided for
40 years.--- I hope you are to Settle with Mrs Umphray’s
Children at Huntly as I have1 heard any thing from you
respecting that matter & the term is now at hand. If it is
to be settled in Aberdeen at this term by me I would need
a Bank receipt to enable me to draw the money at Aber-
deen as I am afraid I could not muster so much otherwise
as would answer the purpose. If convenient send word
with Peter Reid, what I am to do in this businefs. It is
not very convenient for me to go to Huntly just now as we
are begun to drive the peats & therefore cannot well spare
a (shalt?), however if absolutely necefsary I could take a ride
down some day this week as I do not go to Aberdeen till
the beginning of the ensuing week. Mary & Wm & perhaps
Margt go with me for the benefit of the sea bathing. Hoping
this will find you in good health & spirits, I remain, with
very best respects from Mary
                                  Yours Most Sincerely

                                                         Alexr Reid

1 The seems to be a ‘not’ missing here.

Rev. Alexander Reid to Elizabeth Catanach, re the will of the late Margaret Lindsay MS Gordon