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Mary Umphray

c. 1788 - ?

Mary Umphray, daughter of John Umphray and Margaret Wemyss, was born c. 1788.

Mary and her brother, Alexander Umphray, were both beneficiaries in the Last Will and Testament of their great-aunt, Margaret Lindsay MS Gordon, subscribed on 29th June 1805; each was bequeathed a postponed legacy of £10, in addition to which, Mary was to receive Mrs Gordon’s metal watch.

The marriage of George Alexander and Mary Umphray was recorded in the Bellie (Morayshire) Parish Register, in an entry dated 30th August 1807:

{ Mr. George Alexander in the Parish of Banff, and
Mifs Umphray in this Parish, were contracted
in order to marriage & afterwards married

At the instance of Mary’s husband George Alexander, correspondence was entered into concerning the postponed legacies:

Alexander Webster to Elizabeth Catanach, 20 August 1821

Mary was a party to the discharge granted on 9th October 1822 but brother Alexander was ‘now deceased’.

Discharge granted by Margaret Umphray, Mary Alexander and George Alexander, 09 October 1822


The births and baptisms of George and Mary’s three known children were recorded in the Banff Parish Register.

Mary Ann in 1808:

Dec.r 12th 1808 was born Mary Ann Lawful Daughter of Mr George Alexander Merchant in Banff by his wife Mary Humphray was Baptised Dec.r 20th Before Witnefses Mr John White and Mr John Smith

John in 1810:

Nov. 28t 1810 was born John lawful Son of Mr George Alexander Merchant in Banff by his wife Mary Humphry was baptised Decr. 15t Before Witnesses Mr George Imlach & Mr John Smith

George in 1814:

May 21st 1814 was born George
lawful Son of Mr George Alexander
Merchant in Banff by his wife Mary
Humphrey was baptised June 5th Before
Witnefses M.r George Imlach, Mifs Imlach
and M.r & Wemyfs

It is regrettable that the Christian names of Mr and Mrs Wemyss were not disclosed.