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Jeanie Struthers

c. 1848 - 3rd September 1824

On the evidence of her 1869 marriage certificate, Jeanie Struthers was born c. 1848.

At the time of her marriage to John Park in 1869, Jeanie Struthers was a spinster, aged 20, usually resident in Barn Street, Strathaven.

Jeanie Park, widow of John Park, builder, died on 3rd September 1924 at 11h 10m am, at Springknowe, Strathaven. Her age was entered as 75. The cause of death was certified as myocarditis, from which she had been suffering for two months. The informant at Strathaven on the following day was the deceased’s son, James S. Park, of Strathaven.

At the time of her son Thomas Park’s death in 1949, Jeanie Park MS Struthers was recalled as deceased.


Jeanie Struthers had a brother, James, who died on 17th September 1859 at 2h 30m pm at Barn Street, Strathaven. He was a wright (journeyman), single, aged 25. The cause of death was certified by Andrew Brown, physician, who had seen the deceased earlier on the same day, as brain fever, from which he had been suffering for five days. He was buried in the Churchyard, Strathaven, as certified by Andrew McLuckie, gravedigger. The informant on 20th September 1859 at Strathaven was James Struthers, the deceased’s father, entered as present.

Paternal grandmother of Thomas Park