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Margaret Catanach

1758 - ?

The christening of Margaret Cattanach, daughter of George Catanach and Helen Gordon, was recorded in the Gartly (Aberdeenshire) Parish Register:

April 29th 1758

George Cattanach in Bleithie had a Woman Child Baptized called Margt Begotten wt. his Lawll Spouse Helen Gordon witts Mrs. Gordon of Terpersie Mrs. Moodie at Manse of Gartly

The reference to ‘Mrs. Gordon of Terpersie’ is particularly interesting as in its most natural interpretation it refers to the child’s maternal grandmother, Margaret Gordon, relict of Charles VI of Terpersie.

Margaret Catanach, who married the Reverend George Gibb, Episcopal Clergyman in Turriff, was named as a beneficiary in the 1805 Last Will and Testament of her maternal aunt, Margaret Lindsay MS Gordon, who died in January of the following year. She was bequeathed a mulberry striped satin gown, together with the sum of £20. Her husband George was obviously deceased by 1805, as she was designated his relict.

The Rev. George Gibb is referred to by the Right Rev. Alexander Jolly, D.D., in Observations upon the several Sunday Services and Principal Holydays prescribed by the Liturgy Throughout the Year, 4th Edition, Edinburgh, Robert Grant and Son, 82, Princes Street, 1868, p. 8:

He (Alexander Jolly) was inducted to the pastoral charge in Turriff, in 1777. His predecessor there was the Rev. George Gibb, who died in 1775, with the reputation of an excellent pastor, in circumstances frequently of great difficulty, both penal and pecuniary. I have now before me “the Register of the administration of the charitable contributions for the indigent Episcopal Clergy and their Widows,” from October 1754 to August 1788. In the annual list, among many other worthy men, I find... the name of Mr Gibb of Turriff, and after his death, of his widow, with ten crowns assigned.
It has to be observed that at the age of just 16 or 17, Margaret must have been a tragically young widow.