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Jean Law

31st December 1794 - 185?

The birth of Jean Law was recorded in the Kennoway, Fife, Parish Register, on 31st December 1794. This is a close match for the 1851 census, according to which Jane Law was born in Markinch, Fife, c. 1795.

Jean Law was in the Parish of Kennoway, Fife, at the time of her marriage to Thomas Wallace in 1814.

Jane Law was last heard of in the 1851 census, at which time she was aged 55 and living with her husband, Thomas, at 169, Fountain Bridge, St Cuthbert’s, Edinburgh. Since no death certificate has been found, it is surmised that she had died by the end of 1854.

Thomas Wallace was designated as a widower in the 1861 census and when he died in 1873, he was stated to be the ‘Widower of Jane Law’. Jane Wallace MS Law was recalled as deceased on her daughter Agnes Wallace’s 1878 death certificate.


Jean’s parents were William Law and Janet Cockburn. In connection with the birth of his son David on 15th August 1792, William was designated as ‘William Law in Burns of Kennoway’.

Brothers & Sisters

Jean was the second of five known children, whose births and baptisms were recorded in a block in the Kennoway Parish Register:

William Law in Burns of Kennoway and Janet Cockburn his spouse had a son born 15th Augt 1792 Baptd David

The same persons had a daughter born 31st Decr 1794 Baptd Jean

The same persons had a son born 29th Octr 1796 Baptd Alexander

The same persons had a son born 4th March 1799 Baptd John

The same persons had a daughter born 2nd March 1801 Baptd Betty

Maternal / maternal great-grandmother of Matthew Barr Baird