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To Mifs Catanach
Care of Mr. Mellis

Postmarked on same day at Aberdeen

                     Aberdeen 27 Decr. 1821

My Dear Aunt

I am truly happy to hear that you
are so well settled in Huntly, as also that you
have heard from my Uncle.

I suppose you know that this is Robert’s wedding
day, had it been pofsible you would have
got an invitation. I have no objections to his
marrying, especially since he has acted justly
towards me and the rest, and that he is getting
a girl of unexceptionable character both as
to herself and friends, and I am much better
pleased, than if she had been a Lady of fortune.
There (sic) small farm cannot afford but moderate
things, and as she is a respectable farmer’s daughter
and has been brought up in that way, with a
competent education, she seems to me to be only one
in that place he could have taken. Perhaps
he might have waited a year or two longer
but things much more disagreeable to
us all might have happened, and as we have
all a little, my mother will be well free of
her great fatigue.

Having met Mr. Alexr. Glennie of May Bank
this day, he informed me that his cousin
Mr. Farquharson in Jamaica is dead, and that
he remembered some debts due to my Grandfather
by Mr. Ritchie his uncle, and that as far as he
knows it was never paid (three words deleted)
except £100. If you will be so good as
send me the papers of communication between
my Grandfather or Grandmother and Mr. Ritchie
to ascertain the amount of the debt, or if you
do not think me a proper person to entrust with
the affair, you will need to send a power with
an affidavit to Mr. Glennie Esqr. May Bank
and he is to sanction the debt, and as he is
extremely anxious that it should be paid up
stock and interest; and he thinks there is little
fear if the matter be right conducted but
you will succeed. I am to dine at May Bank
soon and if you could send me a letter as soon as
you can, directed to me at Mrs. Gibbs or Marischal
College care of Geo Pirie sacrist rather, I will know
better how to proceed, as Mr. Glennie will employ
his attorneys, or you and your sisters can send
a power to my uncle to Recover the debt (part
obscured by seal).

Excuse inaccuracy of Grammar as I have but
little time, do not neglect to write me now
by Post as there is no time to lofs (sic) and I shall
do all in my power for you as it is but my
duty. Give my love to Mr. Mellis and my
cousins and I should be very Glad to hear from
them. I am your affectionate Nephew

                               Harry Stuart

Harry Stuart to Elizabeth Catanach, referring to Robert Catanach, Robert Stuart, Mary Ross, Charlotte Boyd Cattanachand George Catanach.