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This letter was presumably sent as a matter of courtesy, since it does little more than duplicate the information already provided in the writer’s previous letter of eight days previously.

The writing paper bears the embossed letterhead:

        EYE, SUFFOLK.

                  19 Mar. 1909.

Dear Sir,

        I wonder was the
lady in Dublin my
cousin – Jane Anne
Leeper, 11 Woodstock Rd.
Ranelagh, Dublin! – She
is much interested
in all questions
archeological and
antiquarian –

        Yes, there is a
chevron & 3 leopards
heads on the shield –
crest – a leopard’s head –
motto – pro rege et

Mellis is a village
of some 500 people –
station on main
line between Ipswich
& Norwich – junction
for small town of
Eye –

        Mellis in our
old registers is

            Yours very truly,

    Wm. Clarke Leeper.

William Clarke Leeper to William Leiper