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William Leiper corresponded with his near name-sake, William Clarke Leeper. That the latter resided in Mellis Rectory - Mellis being the maiden name of Leiper’s mother - is an absolute though remarkable coincidence.

The writing paper bears the embossed letterhead:

        EYE, SUFFOLK.

                       11 March

Dear Sir,

        Thanks for your letter.
We are an Irish
family – my father,
grandfather &c. came
from Dublin. I have
the Leeper coat of
arms - & crest –
motto “Pro rege et patria.”
Crest – Leopard’s head.
I don’t know what
is the origin of the
name – I should
much like to know.

        It is curious too
that “Mellis” should
be your mother’s name.
It is spelled “Melles”
in the old church
documents here –

          Believe me,

          Yours truly,

Wm. Clarke Leeper.

My father was once
curate in Derby –
I have heard him
say there was a
Leeper Street in
the parish – which he served –

    I have heard of
  Leapers – in Norfolk.

William Clarke Leeper to William Leiper, mentioning Jane Mellis