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William Leiper is taken to be the addressee of this letter, although he is not referred to by name therein.

    27, Burns Road.
        14th Septm 1903.

My dear Cousin,

    I have to thank you very
much indeed for the kind,
welcome letter of 8th inst, en-
closing the newspaper Cutting
re the late Rev. John Alex-
ander, D.D.

    I read the extract with great
interest – as I do everything
else connected with the house
of Terpersie – copied it out,
and now herewith return

    On reading the notice, it
struck me forcibly that I had
recently seen in one of our
local newspapers an in-
timation of the death of a
Peterhead Bank Agent, named
William Boyd ; and, on making
search, I found the paragraph
in question in the Aberdeen
Daily Free Press of 5th inst,
cut it out and now enclose
it for your perusal & retention.
I feel almost certain that the
gentleman therein referred to
must have been Miss Alex-
ander’s husband. – You’ll
observe he was resident when
a young man in Edinburgh.
It is such a pity his widow’s
name is not given.

I was certainly highly amused
to find the architectural, the
musical and the ritualistic
element so largely developed
in Dr. Alexander.

Now that we have come into
closer touch, I fain hope we
may yet do some good work
together in unravelling a
few hitherto obscure points
in our genealogical line.

I have been wondering if your
putting the cutting into
Bullock’s hands led him
to investigate the matter. -
If he were more communicative
on some points, I think he
might have elicited more
information, but Perhaps
he is too busy for writing
more than he can help.
I sincerely trust you felt no
bad effects for your visit
to Aberdeen and neighbour-
hood. I am sure I did
thoroughly enjoy your short
stay with me at “3 times
9 are 27 – 2 + 7 are 9!” -

I certainly shall not soon
forget your quoting the
above before crossing the
threshold when on your
way to Nethermure.

Odd numbers are said to be
lucky, I think. So I am hoping
to have great luck yet while
a dweller within the house
of the mystic number.1

It is something, anyhow, to
cheer one up to meet a
sympathetic relative when
life’s journey is feeling a
bit rough, at times. I am
sure I have the most pleas-
ant recollections of the
long & varied programme of
subjects we discussed ; it has
certainly afforded me good
food for reflection in many
ways. - May we soon meet
again. -

I trust Jane2 is well. I have
been thinking of writing
out some day the XXIII Ps.
in aul’ Scotch for you
to read to her, as I feel
sure she would enjoy it.
I do earnestly pray that the
evening of her days may
be long and tranquil.

With Kindest regards and
best remembrances.

                     I remain,

                Yours faithfully,

                  Robert Stuart

Who is the Hon. Geo. Alexander3,
who, you say, is a judge in
the Dominion of Canada?
Owing to the mutilation of
the Extract you sent me, I
could not make that out. -
The following is what Harry
Catanach4 says in his letter
to his Father of date 20th July 1801
regarding the Umphrays; I
quote it to you in case you
might like to have it verbatim:

“I had a letter from Mr. John
“Umphray dated in Febry 1800,
“it was by a young man of
“the name of Falconer a relative
“of Mr Cruickshanks. I found the
“letter in town but have never
“seen the young man, he lives
“someway to (the) windward of
“the Island as an overseer. - I
“will be happy should it ever be
“in my Power to befriend him
“on my Cousin, Mrs. Umphray’s
“account, but as he lives with
“such great relations as the
“Cruickshanks he has no
“occasion for any assistance
“from me. R.S.


1 This is almost certainly a Masonic reference and suggests that both men were Freemasons, or at least familiar with Masonic tenets.

2 William Leiper had a younger sister of this name, born in 1842. It cannot refer to his mother, Jane Mellis, as she had died in 1879.

3 George Alexander (21st May 1814 – 13th October 1903), Ontario farmer and political figure, son of George Alexander and Mary Umphray

4 Harry Catanach, brother of Charlotte Boyd Catanach. The Island referred to is presumably St Vincent, in the Caribbean.

Robert Stuart to William Leiper