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George Jack

26th March 1785 - ?

George Jack was born and baptised on 26th March 1785 in Cottown, Saint Madoes Parish, Perthshire.

George Jack and Janet Ireland were ‘booked for proclamation’ in order to marriage on 17th December 1814 at Saint Madoes, Perth.

The birth records of their children disclose that after their marriage George and Janet removed to Leetown, Errol Parish, just a short distance to the east of Cottown.

George Jack was designated as a farmer on his daughter Elizabeth Jack’s 1898 death certifcate but this is problematic as he was consistently designated as a wright or joiner in all the known records made of him during his lifetime. A likley explanation is that in addition to his principal occupation, George maintained a smallholding, and that this was the activity that was remembered decades later.

George Jack was still alive at the time of the 1841 census, and resident with his wife and family in Leetown. Also resident at the family home was the couple’s daughter, Ann, aged 20, their son, George, aged 18, Jane (presumbly a granddaughter) aged 4, and William Boyd, their grandson, also aged 4.

In 1851, however, his wife’s marital status was given as widow. He must therefore have died at some time between 1841 and 1851.


George’s parents were John Jack and Elizabeth Rollo, of Cottown, St Madoes Parish, Perthshire. From the birth entry of his sister Elizabeth Jack, it emerges that John Jack was a wright.

Brothers and Sisters

George Jack was the third of five known siblings, all born in Cottown.

Dewar Jack was was born on 30th July and baptised on 2nd August 1781; Mary was born on 3rd May 1783 and baptised on the 4th; Elizabeth was born and baptised on 16th October 1791; and Robert was born and baptised on 29th June 1800.

Elizabeth’s Parish Register entry, dated 16th October 1791, reads:

Baptized Elisabeth lawful daughter to John Jack, wright, and Elisabeth Rollo in the Cottown of Pitfour, born eadem die (on the same day)

Mary is probably the same Mary Jack whose marriage to William Robertson of Kinfauns Parish was recorded on 9th January 1808, although though this has not yet been established for certain.