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Mifs E Catanach
Mr Wm Mills (sic)

Postmarks SEP 14 1824 and SEP H 16 N 1824

            16 Mount Street
                Whitechapel London

                    14th Septr 1824

              I beg leave to inclose (sic)
Bkpost bill for £33, being proceeds
of 2 Casks Coffee consigned to my
care by your brother – The price
of the article is very low which
occasions the sum to be much smaller
than either your brother or I at
one time expected – I heard of his
welfare, of date 1st Augt last –

      Requesting you will inform
me of receipt of this by return
of post      I remain Madam

            Yo Mo Ob Se

            William Martin

William Martin to Elizabeth Catanach, re Robert Catanach