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Letter from MacDonald, Jameson & Co., Solicitors, 124, St. Vincent Street, Glasgow C2, dated 11th February, 1960:

George Stuart Brown, Esq.,

Dear Mr. Stuart Brown,

                                  The annual meeting of
the Commissioners for Creditors on your
brother’s estate took place yesterday. It
was decided to pay a further dividend of 9d
per £1 shortly. There seems to have been
some overlook in connection with the issue
of the Scottish Widows Fund Policy as the
Trustee for Creditors’ name has been missed
out and the income is being paid direct to
your brother. I raised the point about
this at the meeting, and it is being looked
into and I shall see that it is put right.

Yours sincerely,

R. W. B. Morris

George Stuart Brown

Charles Stuart Brown