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Items. Extract from the Last will & testament
of Robert Catanach late of the parish of St. George.

(First) Authorises the Sale of Negro Slaves, by his
Excrs, or either of them, - title to be good

Secondly Funeral Expenses & debts to be paid

Thirdly “I will & bequeath to my Sister Margaret
“Gibb Widow, the Sum of one hundred pounds
“Sterling to her & her heirs for ever (this Sister
Margt. Gibb, is my older sister).”

Fourthly. (He wills that the remainder of his
property be divided into two equal parts,) &

Fifthly “I will & bequeath one of the Shares of the
“residue of my property (after my Sister Margts.
“Legacy is paid) to be paid to my Sister Elizabeth
“Catanach, Spinster, now residing, I believe, in
“the town of Huntly – the other Share, I
“will & bequeath to my younger Sister Charlotte
“Stewart Widow, now residing at New
“Mills of Birse, to her & her Heirs for ever,”

Sixthly. “I desire & empower my Excrs as soon after
“my demise as possible, to manumise & Set
“free my House Keeper Margaret Simpson, &
“I will & bequeath unto her all my horses, &
“(horseK?), together with my Household
“furniture, Bed & table linen, wearing apparel,
“Plate, Books, &c, with a negro girl
“named Cecilia Grant.”            Lastly “I nominate,
“James Grant (of Kingston) Joseph Green (of
“St Marys) & Adam Gray (of St Georges)
“my Executors.      Robert Catanach

A Codicil to the will, - frees a slave named
Elizabeth Catanach, & bequeaths her £40. currency

Extract from the Last Will and Testament of Robert Catanach