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An Inventory and appraisement of all and Singular the goods
and chattels, rights and credits, which were of Robert Catanach late
of the Parish of Saint George in the county of Surry (sic), Planter, deceased

£ S d
To Amount received from James Forsyth Esqre.     200   0   0
      Do       due for jobbing in 1827 on Bellfield estate     184 14   1¼
      Do      ditto     in 1827 on Aqualta Vale estate       40   0 10¼
      Do      ditto     in 1827 on Orange Hill estate       80 19   4¾
      Do      ditto     in 1827 on Newry estate       38 12   9
      Do      ditto     in 1828 on Aqualta Vale estate       65   3 10
      Do      ditto     in 1828 on Orange Hill estate       32 11 10
      Do      ditto     due for road work_____________       26 11   3
      Do      ditto     by Wm. P. Kirkland       19   6   2
To amount supposed to be due from Grays Inn estate about       19   0   0
To amot supposed to be due from Samuel Young about         3   0   0

To Balance due on judgement obtained by Robert Rofs
Afsignee of Jas. Jarden against the estate of John French
Killikelly vested in the above named Robt. Catanach
exclusive of interest.
    403   0   0

To Amot. of judgement obtained by Robt. Rofs against
the estate of John F. Killikelly and vested in Robt.
Catanach. Damages £300:6:3. Costs £3.18.0. Delays
£8:12:6. exclusive of interest.
    312 16   9

To Amot. of judgement obtained by Rofs and Caldwell
against same estate and vested in Robert Catanach. Dam-
ages £326:0:8. Costs £5:16:3. Delays £7: 6:3.
    339   2   6

To Amot. of Household furniture £105:0:10: Horses and
mule £85:0:0-.
    190   0 10

Total Value of Personally £1955   0   3¼

Negroes Occupation Condition Age £ S d
Joseph McVicar Invalid Has leprosy and his
habit tainted
  -         0   0   0
Edwd. Catanach Field Clean 45       85   0   0
James Catanach Field Clean 50       72   0   0
Stewart McGibbon Field Clean 50       72   0   0
John Maxwell Field Clean 40       70   0   0
Tom Catanach Field Clean 22     105   0   0
Duncan McGibbon Field Clean 55       50   0   0
Robert Catanach Driver Clean 48       81   0   0
Francis McGibbon Field Bad habit 18       87   0   0
George Maxwell Field Wants a leg & has yaws 28       32   0   0
Thomas McGibbon Field Clean 17       97   0   0
Charles Edwards No work Yaws   4       25   0   0
Billy Edwards No Work Yaws   1       12   0   0
Purse Proud Invalid Has leprosy 65         0   0   0
Lettice Brown Field 19       80   0   0
Maria Field Weak habit of body 48       42   0   0
Eleanor Burton Field Clean 24     107   0   0
Amelia Williams Field Yaws 28       47   0   0
Betsy Field Confluent Yaws 33       57   0   0
Henry McGibbon Field Clean 50       57   0   0
Sammy Catanach Field Clean 14       80   0   0
Adam No work Clean   9       50   0   0
Willm. Dunbar No work Yaws   1       12   0   0
Susannah McGibbon Field Weakly 48       40   0   0
Johanna Catanach Cook Nearly Invalid 60       15   0   0
Mary Roberts Midwife Opaque cornea from
Severe opthalmia
35       37   0   0
Eliza Catanach Invalid Weak 60       20   0   0
Ann Fras. Catanach No work Relics of Yaws   2½       21   0   0
Betsy McGibbon No work Clean   7       47   0   0
Sarah Roberts No work Clean   3       21   0   0
Cecilia Grant House Girl Weak 11       50   0   0
Margt. Simpson House Woman (Mulatto) Clean 30       40   0   0
Kitty Cattanach No work Clean   6       40   0   0
Margt. Simpson No work Clean 9 mos       11   0   0
Willm. Catanach Watchman Clean 50       57   0   0
Total Value of Negroes £1719   0   0

Jamaica fs.-

                      In obedience to the Warrant of appraisement to
    us directed, and hereunto annexed, we have inventoried and
    appraised all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and
    credits, which were of Robert Catanach, late of the Parish of
    Saint George in the county of Surry (sic), Planter, deceased, as
    they were shewn to us, by Adam Gray his executor or which
    we know belonged to the deceased a the time of his death
    and find the same to amount to the sum of three thou=
    sand six hundred and seventy four pounds, and three
    pence one farthing. Given under our hands and seals
    this sixth day of December, in the year of our Lord, one
    thousand eight hundred and twenty eight. –

Signed Wm. Davidson

Signed James Maxwell

} Appraisers

Inventory of Robert Cattanach, 1828