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Margaret McLean Mair

12th May 1898 - ?

Margaret McLean Mair was born on 12th May 1898 at 2h 20m am, at 23, Bernard Street, Glasgow. The informant was A. Mair, the child’s father. The event was recorded in both the Hutchesontown and Bridgeton districts of Glasgow.

At the time of the 1911 census, Margaret McLean Mair was living in the family home at 70, Livingstone Street, Old Kilpatrick, Dunbartonshire. She was 12, attending school and her place of birth was entered as Glasgow.

Margaret McLean Mair subsequently emigrated to Canada and married Robert Alexander Stewart, although the precise order of these events is presently unknown.



Alexander Mair was born on 29th July 1874 at 1h 30m am, at 251, Great Eastern Road, Glasgow. The informant on 25th August 1874 was Jane Mair, the child’s mother.

Margaret McLean was born c. 1878.

Alexander Mair, a warehouseman (bachelor), aged 22, married Margaret McLean, a ‘Machinist Warehouse (Spinster)’, aged 18, on 28th August 1896, at 3, Silverfir Street, Glasgow, After Banns according to the Forms of the Church of Scotland. Alexander was usually resident at 109, South Wellington Street, Margaret at 3, Silverfir Street, both Glasgow. The Register was signed by Neil Cameron, Minister of St Jude’s, and by James Lindsay Brebber and Maggie Whitelaw, witnesses.

When his daughter Margaret McLean Mair was born in 1898, Alexander Mair was a draper warehouseman, domiciled at 24, Rosebery Street, Glasgow.

At the time of the 1911 census, the Mair family was living at 70, Livingstone Street, Old Kilpatrick, Dunbartonshire, in premises having three rooms with one or more windows. The entry runs:

Alexander Mair, 36, machinist, sewing m/c manufacture, worker, born Glasgow
Margaret McLean Mair, wife, 32, married 14 years, five children born alive, five children still living, Glasgow
Margaret McLean Mair, daughter, 12, school, born Glasgow
Donald McLean Mair, son, 9, school, born Glasgow
James, son, 6, school, born Glasgow
Lucinda, daughter, 4, born Clydebank
Alexander, son, 1, born Clydebank

There were also three boarders:

David Thomson, 20, hairdresser, worker, born Dumfriesshire, Langholm
William Brown, 25, grocer, worker, born Stirlingshire, Stirling
George Gordon Fraser, 26, clerk, worker, born Enzie, Banffshire


On the evidence of his 1873 marriage certificate, James Mair was born c. 1844.

On the evidence of her 1873 marriage certificate, Jane Crawford was born c. 1842.

James Mair, brewer’s packer (bachelor), 28, married Jane Crawford, domestic servant (spinster), 30, on 13th June 1873, at 5, Abbotsford Place, Glasgow, After Banns according to the Forms of the Church of Scotland. James was usually resident at 46, Duke Street, Jane at 40, Abbotsford Place, both Glasgow. The Register was signed by Andrew Leiper, Minister of Gorbals Parish, and by witnesses William Alan and Annie Crawford.

At the time of his son Alexander’s birth in 1874, James Mair was a bottler in a brewery. Jane Mair acted as the informant on the event.

Alexander’s parents were identified on his 1896 marriage certificate as James Mair, a brewer’s packer, and Jane Mair MS Crawford, both deceased.

Margaret’s parents were identified on her 1896 marriage certificate as Donald McLean, a warehouseman, and Margaret McLean MS also McLean.


On the evidence of his 1886 death certificate, Alexander Mair was born c. 1804.

Alexander Mair was designated as a forge company’s stableman on his son James’s 1873 marriage certificate.

Alexander Mair, stableman, widower of Mary Robertson, died on 1st May 1886 at 11h 30m pm, at 20, Salisbury Street, Glasgow. He was entered as 81 years of age. The cause of death was certified as paralysis with senile debility. The informant on 3rd May 1886 at Glasgow was the deceased’s daughter Eskin Barrie, who signed with her ‘X’ mark.

On the evidence of her 1871 death certificate, Mary Robertson was born c. 1801.

Mary Mair MS Robertson, married to Alexander Mair, iron forge labourer, died on 28th August 1871 at nine in the morning, at 516, Duke Street, Glasgow. She was 70 years of age. The causes of death were entered as natural decay and tumour of abdomen. The informant on the same day was Alex Mair, the deceased’s widower, entered as present.

On the evidence of his 1895 death certificate, James Crawford was born c. 1810.

James Crawford was designated as a police inspector on his daughter Jane’s 1873 marriage certificate.

James Crawford, formerly a Sanitary Inspector, widower of Mary Johnston, died on 11th May 1895 at 2h 30m pm, at 6, Burrell’s Lane, Glasgow. He was entered as 84 years of age. The cause of death was certified as cardiac syncope. The informant on 13th May 1895 at Glasgow was the deceased’s son, Wm Robt Crawford, entered as present.

On the evidence of her 1881 death certificate, Mary Johnston was born c. 1815.

Mary Crawford MS Johnston, married to James Crawford, Sanitary Inspector, died on 2nd November 1881 at 7h 30m, at 108, Dundas Street, Kinston, Glasgow. Her age was entered as 65. The cause of death was certified as chronic bronchitis, from which she had been suffering for two years. The informant on the following day was James Crawford, the deceased’s widower, entered as present.


Alexander Mair, blacksmith (journeyman) (deceased), was recalled on his son Alexander’s 1886 death certificate.

Agnes Mair MS Gray, also deceased, was recalled on the same occasion.

John Robertson was recalled a a mole-catcher (deceased) on his daughter Mary’s 1871 death certificate.

Christina Robertson MS Telfer, also deceased, was recalled on the same occasion.

James Crawford, grain miller (master) (deceased), was recalled on his son James’s 1895 death certificate.

Sarah Crawford, MS unknown, also deceased, was recalled on the same occasion.

John Johnston was recalled as a mercantile cashier (deceased) on his daughter Mary’s 1881 death certificate.

Jane Johnston MS Bain (deceased) was recalled on the same occasion.

Brothers and Sisters

Margaret McLean Mair was the eldest of at least five children. Her three younger brothers and one younger sister were identified on the 1911 census return as Donald McLean Mair, born c. 1901, a schoolboy aged 9 in 1911, born Glasgow; James, born c. 1904, a schoolboy aged 6 in 1911, born Glasgow; Lucinda, born c. 1906, aged 4 in 1911, born Clydebank and Alexander, born c. 1910, aged 1 in 1911, born Clydebank.