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To Mifs Jane Mellis

My Dear Cousin,

                         I am very sorry it was not in my
power to visit Huntly this vacation, not having
been to Birse for two years – I could not get my
visit over in lefs than two weeks – and then I
had to spend 8 or ten days in the Mearns –
After which I found it necefsary to return to the
task – we have gotten a wife since I saw
you – Mifs Mary Stuart – who has been for
many years a particularly good friend of mine
I find her society most agreeable. I enclose you
a letter and List of slaves I had from Mr Cobhan
a few weeks ago. I am afraid Mr. Gray is offended
at so many people employed to look after him
I am fully of Mr. Cobhan’s opinion - that the only
way is to endeavour to coax Mr. Gray – It would be
in vain to attempt forcing things at such a distance
My Aunt should ask Mr. Reid to write him a
polite letter – to the effect as Cobhan advises
Matters are long in being brot. to a conclusion in
that country – even when people themselves are
on the spot. I think there may be some residue
I also got a letter from Hiberts & Co. which
I also send you for my Aunt. I hope she is
getting much better. I do not see that I can
do more in the businefs at present.

My mother was quite well when I saw her -
when I say quite well – I take into account
her ordinary head aches of which she will
never get rid. When in the Mearns I met
with Mr. Thomson of Fetterefso – a brother of
Mrs. Cooper. He was most kind – claimed
me for a cousin and made me promise to
visit him at Fetterefso. How he can be a
cousin of mine I know not, but I was much
pleased with the Gentleman and with his
Sermon at Laurencekirk when moderating
a call for a Minister there. I hope Mrs. Cooper
is getting better. What tremendous floods there
have been – your good town I dare say
has suffered much, at least its vicinity. I never
dreamt of such a flood – till people were talking
next day of the devastations thereof. My mother’s yard
has been swept by it and a (torrent?) thrown
up which was last there 30 years ago by a
similar speat. I should have liked much
to see the Rivers. I am glad to hear you
got back home from (Piteathuly?) – you pro
mised to write but you did not do it
you might send us an account of your
trip. The last few days I was in (the?)
country I was grievously afflicted with toothache.
I hope your father continues well my
best compliments to him & love to Aunty
And every good wish for your own health
And happinefs I Remain Dear Cousin
                     Your Affectionate HS

      11 Augt 29

Harry Stuart to Jane Mellis, referring to Robert Catanach, Elizabeth Catanach and Charlotte Boyd Cattanach