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Captain Wimberley reacts to a letter, dated 6th October 1898 with accompanying papers, which William Leiper had received from James McC. Pithie, whom we learn was schoolmaster at Tullynessle, and forwarded to him.

Captain Wimberley also shares information concering George Gordon of Terpersie, obtained from the 1696 Poll Book for Aberdeenshire.

Mention is also made of one George Leslie of Little Folla, a nephew of the Rev. William Leslie.

                             8 Ardross Terrace
                                     16 Nov. 1898

Dear Mr. Leiper,

                         I wrote to you on 19th
Octr. soon after I heard from you &
got the loan of a letter to you from Mr
Pithie, Schoolmaster at Tullynessle.

    I think I gave you my impressions on
two or 3 points after reading his inter-
esting communication, of which I made
a copy. I wrote to Mr P. the same day
as to you and begged him when he had
time to look at the old tombstone again
and compare my suggestions with the in-
scription thereon.

    I suppose he has been too busy,
as I have not had any reply, and it
is 4 weeks ago – I fear too he can make
little more out than he has done already.

    I shall return to you along with
this Mr. P’s letter to you of 6th Octr.1
and the papers about the tombstones2.

    I also send you a tracing3 made
from the Ord. Surv. of the site of the old
Castle of Lesmoir – which shows the size
of enclosure within the moat & dike,
and also where the walls of the castle
were : you will see that these agree
with what my nephew found out some
weeks ago : The front has evidently faced
nearly south, and the building appears
to have been the shape of a capital L
turned backwards viz4, and probably
a turnpike stair in the angle.

    I think I told you I had managed
the loan of the Poll Book (1696) for Aberdeen-
shire from the Univy Library, Aberdeen.

    I cannot remember whether I sent you
any of the particulars I found in it.

    The Laird of Terpersie [Tarpersie] at that
date was Geo. Gordon, his lady 2 sons &
4 daughters [names not given] were living
in family with him, & had to pay poll tax there :
also 2 men servts at £24 & £6 : 1 woman at
£9.6.8, 1 at £6.6.8, and one at no fee.

    His valuation within the whole shyre of Abdn
was £981 Scots : his poll tax £12.6.0.

    His valn in Tullynessel £200. Farms, the
Maines, Hillock of Terpersie, Wurrachstone, Kirk-
toune of T., Cullyblein & Boggie Shalloch.

    In Par. of Auchindoir a John Lumsden
of the Cushnie family who also bought Corra-
chie seems at the time of this valuation
to have been a heritor in this Parish “within
Terpersie’s interest” & is called “Tarpersie
alias John Lumsden” valn £180 – [I sup-
pose this was a wadset, & that this John L.
bought Clova afterwds.]

    The valn of the lands of Tarpsersie in Fyvie
Parish is given at £411 : The farms being
Rodgerseat, Over Rothie Kinbroynd and Milne
of Rothie and Langlan Walls.

    [Note Geo. Leslie of Little Folla seems to have pur-
chased part of these lands about 1723, and part to
have been acquired on wadset by Rev. William Leslie,
his uncle in 1715. See Thanage of Fermartyn]

    Earlesfield & Seggiden are entered in
Pollbook as part of Leith Hall estate in

    I tried to find any mention of
Stuarts of Ardclach but failed. I
will note on a separate sheet what
I took notes of relative to Ardclach
and to Stewarts : but could find
nothing reliable.

                       Yours very truly

                        Douglas Wimberley.


1 James McC. Pithie to William Leiper, 06 October 1898

2 Apparently referring to The Terpersie Stone, Anna Gordon, d. 1672

3 This probably refers to the outline of a building, sketched on the blank space at the bottom of the final page.

4 A rudimentary sketch of the shape described appears here.

Captain Douglas Wimberley to William Leiper