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In this letter, Captain Wimberley imparts a prodigious amount of genealogical information and speculation, in the face of which all attempts at commentary would be superfluous.

Regarding the vexed question of the precise identity of the mother of William 1st of Terpersie, a number of possibilities are presented but the theory, stated elsewhere as fact, that she was a daughter of King James IV of Scotland, is left unconsidered. That her surname was Stewart appears to be all that can be stated with reasonable certainty.

At such a remove of time, it seems that genealogical enquiries, at best, yield only calculated probabilities, as opposed to documented certainties.

                8 Ardross Terrace
                      16 March 1893

Dear Sir,

               I am greatly obliged by
your very kind note. As far as I could
judge by pen and ink drawings of some
coats of arms, which Mr Gall, Archt
here made for me, for an account of
my father’s family, and were sent
to London & reproduced by photo-
zincography, the tracing you made
for me being in ink will do beau-
tifully. I gave it to Mr Livingston
Manager of the Chronicle to forward
a few days ago, & presume it is
now in course of transference to
a block. I showed him what you
wrote about the heliographic pro-
cess, and he said he did not know
about it.

    About the marriage of one of the
Gordons Terpersie viz. George to a Gordon
of Achannachy, I may mention that
Mr. Macdonald sent me to look at
what I suppose was a copy of
the papers you had about the Ter-
persies and also
a copy from a M.S. be-
longing to Mr Geo. Leslie, grandfather
of Dr. W. Henderson of Caskieben.
In the former the descent is traced
downwards, in the latter upwards :
both agree in making George the 2nd
laird marry Lady Cluny, a daughter
of the Earl of Sutherland.

    I hunted up Douglas & Wood’s? Peerage
but cd not find a marriage of a Gordon
of Cluny to a dau. of the E. of Sutherld.:
nor could I find any dau. of an E. of
Suthd. about the proper time likely to
have md. Gordon of Cluny.

    You see Wm. of Terpersie got a Charter
in favour of himself & his wife Margt
Ogilvie of the lands of Terpersie from Wm
Forbes Bish. of Abdn in 1555 and got a
Confirmn. in 1585.

    Hence his son Geo. would marry proby
abt. 1580 to 1600.

    The 10th Earl of Suth. had 3 daus, but
only one lived to be marrd. Lady Janet
who md 1st Innes of Innes, who died in
1576, secondly to Thomas Gordon son of
Geo. Earl of Huntly & died 1584.

    This Thomas was bro. of Sir Adam of
Auchindoun who was pardoned after the
battle of Corrichie 1562, and of Sir
Patrick, aftwds of Auchindoun, who was
killed at battle of Glenlivat 1594.
All that is said of Thomas is that he
died at Edin. & was buried in St
Giles’s church.

    It is not prob. That he was Gordon of
Cluny – and it does not say that he was

    The 11th Earl of Suthd had two dau., one
md. Mackay of Far & was mother of 1st Ld
Reay, the 2nd md. Ross of Balnagowan.
The former died 1615, the latter 1605.

    The 12th Earl’s 2 daus. md. one in 1619 to
James Crichton of Frendraught, the other in 1623
to Sir Gilbert Menzies of Pitfodels.

    On the other hand Thomas Gordon of Cluny
md. Grizel Stewart, dau. of James 5th Lord
Innermeath, who got a Charter of Laithers
&c in 1554. This must be Sir Thomas
Gordon of Cluny or the father of Sir Thomas
who was at Darnaway in 1590 and at
Donibristle in 1591, along with James Gordon
of Lesmoir aftwds 1st Bart., and whose
brother John G. of Birsemore md Margaret
Gordon, Sir James of Lesmoir’s sister.

    Sir Alexr G. of Cluny married Lady Elizabeth
Douglas, dau. of Sir Wm Douglas who was at
Corrichie 1502, and became Earl of Angus 1588.
Proby Sir Alex. was Sir Thomas’ father.

    Of course it is not conclusive the not
finding a marriage, espc a second marr.,
in Douglas & Wood.

    On the other hand I found in a Birth
brieve date 1703, (tracing some descents
which I sent you) that an Alexr G. of Kin-
craigie had married Marjorie dau. of
Wm Gordon of Terpersie by his wife
Margt Gordon of Achannachy.

    As this is the only marriage of a Terpersie
to a Gordon about that time, I think the brieve
is proby correct. I don’t know who the
Achannachys were, but I find mention
of them in 1634 & 1635 in connec-
tion with the feuds and forays after
the burning of Frendraught.

    It seems probable that if a dau. of
the Earl of Suthd had married Gordon of
Cluny, it wd have been mentioned
as the Histy. of the Gordons Earls of Suthd
has been carefully got up.

    The George G. of Terpersie in question got
a remission for the battle of Glenlivat,
granted 1603.

    I think there is really no doubt
as to who the first laird of Lesmoir
was, but considerable doubt who
his wife was, except that she was
a Stewart of Lorn, & that from that
marriage the fess chequé comes into
the coat of arms.

    Jock of Scurdargue had by a dau.
of Sir Pat. Maitland of Gight 3 sons

    John, ancestor of Pitlurg

    William, ancestor of Lesmoir & Craig.

    James, said to be ancestor of Haddo.

    William, the 2nd Son, md. a dau. of
Sir John Rutherford & had 2 sons

1. George of Tillytermont
2. Patrick of Craig.

    George of Tillytermont md. a dau. of
Beroald Innes of Meilliers &
had 4 sons

1. Alexr. ancestor of Gordon of Pronie
2. James 1st of Lesmoir
3. William of Braikley
4. Thomas of Bowinakilloch.

    James of Lesmoir married a
Stewart : and as far as I can
make out

Either Lady Jean (or Lady Anne)
    Stewart, dau. of Stewart Earl of
    Athole (who had been Sir John of

or Anne, d. of James Stewart, Earl
    of Buchan.

or a dau. of Walter Stewart, aftwds
    Lord of Innermeath

or a dau. of Robert Stewart of
    Laithers –

    All of these are pretty well of
the same family, and as far as I
can calculate dates, she might be
dau. of any of them.

    They are all of the family of the Stew-
arts of Lorn, one of whom exchang-
ed lands in Lorn with the then
Earl of Argyll for the barony of

    I am inclined to think the lady was
a dau. of James, Earl of Buchan : who
was a bro. of the Earl of Athole : and
I find John, Earl of Buchan, grand-
son of James, signed a deed at Les-
moir in 1528. Besides he was closely
related to the Ogilvys of Ochterhouse,
who got Laithers, and in my opinion
it was the 2nd laird of Lesmoir,
another James, who md Margt. Ogilvy, d.
of Ogilvy of Deskford ; and not the case that
the 1st laird md both ladies – then
Wm of Terpersie, their son, also
md Margt Ogilvy, I think of Boyne.

    It is very difficult to get proof of
these marriages, because a lady
is often designed d. of so & so of such
a family, giving a designation which
they did not get for half a century

    It wd be far too long to copy
my arguments, but I have traced
out the probabilities with very
considerable research, & in most
cases quoted authorities.

    I’m afraid it will cost me far
too much in printing.

    I am in correspondence with the
Lord Lyon to try & find out to whom
the 2nd Bart of Lesmoir was marrd.
Strange to say I have as yet been
unable to find her name.

    Many thanks for you enquiries
through Mr Troup.

P.S. I did not
notice that your
Yours very truly

    Douglas Wimberley. –

manu. makes the 1st Wm of Terpersie marry
a Gordon of Banffx : in 2 Charters his wife’s
name is mentd as Mary Ogilvie.

                               x if I copied correctly.

Captain Douglas Wimberley to William Leiper