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Captain Wimberley thanks William Leiper for providing him with a drawing of Lesmoir Castle as requested.

Further details emerge concerning Wimberley’s descent. His maternal grandmother, the wife of General Irvine, previously referred to, was Diana Gordon. Diana had a sister whose married name was Bowman; her father, Wimberley’s great-grandfather, is again identified as Sir Alexander Gordon.

                8 Ardross Terrace
                      10 March 1893

Dear Sir,

                  I send you my most
hearty thanks for the drawing you
have so kindly made for me
of the dear old place. I could
not have even wished for one
more to my liking. I have seen
many views of it in oils, water
colour, sepia and photographs,
but for a single view of it, I
don’t think any to my mind
shows the tout ensemble so

    I remember remarking many
years ago that I wondered
that no-one took that view.

    I think that reproduced it
will add greatly to the interest
of my book – and am greatly
indebted to you for it.

    I got the address of a publisher
at Huntly yesty & wrote
to ask if he knew of any photo.
having been taken of the Tap
o’Noth showing the ruins of the
old Castle of Lesmoir : for I
don’t think that since the in-
troduction of photography
there has been enough of the
ruin to induce any one to
take it. I also asked about
Craig. Today I met Mr John
Cran, of Kirkton, whose forebears
were tenants of Mains of Lesmoir,
& he promised to enquire whether
a photo or sketch was to be found
in that neighbourhood.

    I have a letter today from Mrs
C. Elphinestone-Dalrymple, saying
that she is in London, and that
all her late husband’s papers are
at her sister’s house, Tertowie, but
that she will look for information
about the Gordons Craig when she
is down in Summer : she adds that
young Mr Scott of Gala may have
the Pamphlet of Pedigrees, which old
Francis Gordon of Craig had in
1854. I mention this because
I think I told you that the Craigs
and Lesmoirs had intermarried
a good deal – My correspondence
has got pretty wide and I often
cannot remember to whom I
have mentioned my particular

    I daresay I did not mention to
you that I have a considerable
portion of a dinner set made in
China for my great-grandfather,
(a present from his eldest son) I
mean Sir Alexr Gordon with the
Lesmoir Arms on them & Nova
Scotia Badge. They came to me through
my grandmother, Diana Gordon who
md Gen. Irvine : her sister, Mrs
Bowman got the other half, which
or the remains of it are in the hands
of Lady Scott, wid. of Sir Sibbald Scott,
connections but not blood relations –
Lady S’s brother, James Shank bought it.
My Grdmother had a similar tea set
but gave it one aftn to the sister of a
man who was claiming the Lesmoir
Baronetcy after Sir Francis’s death,
thinking he was sure to prove his claim!

    Should you ever be in Invs I should be
glad to see you & would show you
some of the plates & dishes.

    I have a considerable number of
drawings (sketches) & some beau-
tiful etchings by Hugh Irvine
who was my mother’s first
cousin. Some of the sketches are
of curios at Murthly.

                Believe me

                    Yours very truly

                      Douglas Wimberley.

As this is Friday night I address
to Terpersie.

Captain Douglas Wimberley to William Leiper