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In this review of his growing collection of photographs and other illustrative materials, Captain Wimberley makes a passing reference to William Leiper’s work as an architect.

                       8 Ardross Terrace
                            9 May 1893

Dear Sir,

              I duly received yours
of 5th, and also the photo. Lith.
of the Sun Fire office, which will
be a very handsome building :
There must be a great deal of
work from first to last in
the planning & arranging the de-
tails of such a work, & probably
sometimes as much in adapting
alterations desired or necessi-
tated by unforeseen difficulties
arising connected with the site or
the objections of neighbours to
height of new building, (& crocludes?)
of light &c – as one of Trustees
in the care of town buildings.

    I send you the pen & ink sketch
my niece made of Invercraigie Castle
from a photo : and also 2
photos of the Castle. I have
not had any printed off yet.

    I was sorry to find when
I got back the photos. I had
sent to my niece that the
one of Ravenscraig was about
the prettiest of the lot. I had
confused it with another photo.
& thought it merely showed the
outlines of the building with a
large tree or a lot of ivy hiding
most of it : so I got a negative
taken of the view of the building,
given in MacGibbon & Ross’
book – and having done so,
I must be content with the
block now being taken.

    I dare say you will like to
see Ravenscraig too.

    I must put the photos we
have of these old places together
into a book.

                        Yours very truly

                     Douglas Wimberley.

Captain Douglas Wimberley to William Leiper