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In this brief letter, Captain Wimberley reviews the ongoing quest for suitable illustrations and announces the clear progress which he has achieved towards the publication of his histories of the Gordons of Lesmoir and Irvines of Drum.

                       8 Ardross Terrace
                        4 April 1893.

Dear Sir,

              After making many
enquiries whether any photo or
sketch of Lesmoir or Craig was
procurable on payment (without
having them expressly taken for me)
and without result, I ventured to
write to Mr. Craik, who recently
purchased Craig, to the care of his
factor – who perhaps is his bro-

    I at once got a very kindly
reply, and the loan of two photos.

    I think you were so good as
offer, in case I succeeded, to make
me a sketch of either Lesmoir or
Craig : and most gladly avail
myself of it.

    I therefore send you these two
photos. and should very much
like a sketch of the one showing
the old part, in fact the Castle
and the gateway.

    I rather think it has been con-
siderably altered since I saw it.

    I think I mentioned before
the size I should like the actual
block for my book to be viz –
the size of the type 8 x 45/8 – which
might be two thirds of the size of
the sketch.

    When you have done with the
photos will you kindly return
them to

      James Craik Esq

    My Lesmoir book is very nearly
ready : but I constantly get some
additions to it. I have just
got through the Lyon office the
name of the wife of the 2nd
bart, which was omitted in all
the pedigrees I have seen, and
a good deal of information about
charters and dates.

    I have just had the proof of
the concluding page of the Irvine

  In haste

                        Yours very truly

                        Douglas Wimberley.

Captain Douglas Wimberley to William Leiper