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Graham Ross Higginson

31st December 1888 - 30th March 1925

The outline on this page is based on materials posted on

Graham Ross Higginson was born on 31st December 1888 in Benares, India.

Graham Ross Higginson married Dorothy Eileen Wansbrough Hockaday on 14th September 1921 in the Church of St Mary the Virgin, Lydney, Gloucestershire, England, by the Rev. J. C. E. Besant. Dorothy’s parents were Frank Step Hockaday and Jane Wansbrough.

Graham Ross Higginson died on 30th March 1925 in Agra, United Provinces, India. Dorothy married again and had a son, Colin Wilton-Davies, who, it is believed, uploaded the following synopsis:

Frederick William HIGGINSON’s son, Graham Ross, was my half-sister’s father. He died in Agra, and is buried in the cantonment cemetery there, with my half-brother, Anthony, who lived less than a month.

EDUCATION: 1899-1907 Victoria College, Jersey, Channel Islands, School Register Entrance First Term 1899

March 1906 - Cadet promoted to Lance-Corporal in the Cadet Corps.

Nov 1906 - Cadet Corps. Best shot in Company (Class-firing) Lance-Corporal G. R. Higginson. In the Ashburton Shield at Bisley, he scored 28 at 200 yds, 29 at 500 yds. He fired in 9 matches for the school in 1906, with an average score of 57 (2nd position), and best score of 60. Promoted from Lance-Corporal to Corporal.

1906 - Higher Certificate (Oxford & Cambridge) passed in Latin, French, Mathematics, Additional Mathematics and History. Awarded the King’s Gold Medal for Mathematics, Nov 1906. Made a Prefect.

Left 1907, entered Indian Police. Superintendent of Police, Agra, died 1925.

Colin Wilton-Davies’s statement, relating to the events following Graham Ross Higginson’s death, continues:

An official statement issued by the United Provinces Government records the deep regret of the Governor-in-Council at the death of Mr. G. R. Higginson, Superintendent of Police, which took place at Agra on March 30th, 1925.

Mr. Higginson had a record of seventeen years’ uniformly excellent service in the Indian Police and was an officer of exceptional energy and capacity. Though severely handicapped by failing health, he carried on the duties of Superintendent of Police, Agra, one of the most difficult charges in these provinces, with cheerful courage and efficiency, up to within a few weeks of his death.

In the course of his career, Mr. Higginson’s name was on numerous occasions brought to the notice of the Government for specially distinguished services, while his unselfish devotion to duty, personal modesty and unfailing good temper won him the affection and respect of all who were brought in contact with him.

By the death of Mr. Higginson the Government has lost a valuable servant.

BURIAL: Agra Cantonment Cemetery, Plot S166, Outlined with 6" wide s/s (ie sandstone) strips; white marble:- 2-step plinth 1’6” k2’; inset plain 2’ 6” cross with IHS in centre: inscription on front of slabs:


The only remaining comment is that if the dates of his birth and death have been correctly reported, Graham Ross Higginson was only 36 when he died, not 37 as stated.


Graham Ross Higginson was the son of Dr Frederick William Higginson of Bengal and Catharine Sophia Smyth.