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This letter was written on headed notepaper; the address shown in small capitals is followed by a series of dots, then ‘18’ and some more dots; the rest of the date is inserted by hand.

           7, UNION TERRACE.
                         ABERDEEN 14 Feby 1877.

Dear Sir,

                  I have received yours of
yesterday. Helen Gordon may have
been a daughter of Charles Gordon of
Terpersie, and that Charles Gordon
may have been, for ought I know,
the very son of Gordon of Terpersie
as I mentioned.

                The descendants of those men-
tioned in the Entail so far as I have
ascertained are as follows. James
Gordon the Entailer had three bro-
thers and two sisters George, Henry,
Patrick, Margaret and Barbara.
George & his descendants are excluded
from the Entail. Patrick died
without issue, there therefore remain
only three to be accounted for viz Henry
Margaret & Barbara.

        Henry died in 1787. His son Harry
died in 1837. Mrs Fellows is his Heir.

        Margaret was Mrs Brebner, she
had a son James who had a son
James Adam.

        Barbara was Mrs Grant, she
had a son Francis who had a son
Sir Willoughby, who had a son Sir
Henry who had a daughter Mrs
Disney Leith.2

                       Yours faithfully

                                 Jas. Garden

  William Leiper Esq
       140 Bath Street


1 This section has been scored out in pencil; when, why and by whom is not apparent.

2 ‘Mrs Disney Leith’ was Mary Charlotte Julia Gordon, daughter of Henry Percy Gordon and wife of General Robert William Disney Leith, the hero of Mooltan, whom she survived.

James Garden to William Leiper