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This letter was written on headed notepaper; the address shown in small capitals is followed by a series of dots, then ‘18’ and some more dots; the rest of the date is inserted by hand.

           7, UNION TERRACE.
                         ABERDEEN 9 Feby 1877.

    Dear Sir,

                 All the information I can
get from Mrs Garden is that your
mother is the daughter of a Miss
Cattanach, who was the daughter
of an Helen Gordon who was the
daughter of a son (out in the Re-
bellion of 1745) of some Mr. Gordon of

              If your inquiry is one of mere
curiosity you will consider how
far you would go as to expense.
If however you wish to ascertain
how the Title to Terpersie stands
for the purpose of ascertaining
if anything can come out of it, this
cannot be done without an exa-
mination of all the Titles and
an account of all the descendants
of the Mr Gordon of Terpersie who
was Helen Gordon’s Grand father.

         The Entail was made in
1744 by James Gordon of Knockes-
pock, and confirmed including
Terpersie in 1769 by James
Brebner or Gordon and Francis
Grant or Gordon the sons res-
pectively of Margaret & Barbara
Gordon who were sisters of James
Gordon of Knockespock.

           Now what relation was
James Gordon of Knockespock
to the Gordon of Terpersie who was
Helen Gordon’s Grand father or was
he the same person; and if not the
same person how did the Lands
of Terpersie pass out of his family?

        If Mrs Fellows be the proper
heir, and if she were dying
without issue, so far as I can
learn her heir under the Entail,
would be Mrs Disney Leith2 a
descendant of the above mentioned
Barbara Gordon.

             One cannot tell but it is
extremely unlikely that the re-
lationship of such a family should
be uncertain or mistaken and
this cannot be discovered with-
out incurring a very heavy ex-
pense likely in the end to be use
-less; and any partial inquiry
would certainly be money thrown

           I shall retain the documents
till I hear from you again

                       Yours faithfully

                                 Jas. Garden

  William Leiper Esq
       140 Bath Street


1 Added in pencil immediately thereafter – ‘7th & last Laird.’

2 ‘Mrs Disney Leith’ was Mary Charlotte Julia Gordon, daughter of Henry Percy Gordon and wife of General Robert William Disney Leith, the hero of Mooltan, whom she survived.

James Garden to William Leiper