An almost unbroken sequence of five bank balances pertaining to
Elizabeth Cattanach’s current account with the
Banking Company in Aberdeen has been preserved:
Mifs Eliza Cattanach
21 Feby 1824
Mifs Elizabeth Cattanach in Huntly in Acct
Dr { Current with the Banking Company in Aberdeen } Cr
June21 To Cash / order £ 54 - - 1822
Jany5 By Cash / Rect £ 140 - - 1823
June5 ; do 5 - - Mar 12 ; do 14 - - July 23 ; do 10 - - Novr 5 ; do 29 - - decr 2 ; do 10 - - 1824
Feby21 ; Interest 7 16 7 1824
July21 ; Balce Carrd
to New Accot}111 16 7 £ 190 16 7 £ 190 16 7
Aberdeen 21 Feby 1824 The above account settled and the
Balance of One Hundred and Eleven Pounds 16/7d Stg Carried
to the Credit of new Account -
A. Morrice Humph
Mifs Cattanach
6 May 1825
Mifs Elizabeth Cattanach in Huntly Account
{ Current with the Banking Company in Aberdeen }
Dr Cr 1824 Feby 24 To Cash / order £ 5 - - 1824
Feby21 Cr. Bal. of old Acct £ 111 16 7 May 28 ; do 7 - - Sept 17 Cash / Rect 23 - - Augt 6 ; do 6 - - 1825
May6 ; Interest 2 11 6 Decr. 14 ; do 10 - - 1825 May 6 ; Bal. Carried
to new Acct. }109 8 1 £ 137 8 1 £ 137 8 1
Aberdeen 6 May 1825 The above Account Settled and
the Balance of One hundred and nine pounds 8/1 Stg
Carried to the Credit of New Account -A. Morrice Humph
Mifs E. Cattanach
Huntly 15 May 1827.
Dr. Mifs Elizabeth Cattanach Huntly in Account
Current with the Banking Compy. in Aberdeen.Cr.
1825 April 26 To Cash / order £ 13 - - 1825 May 6 Cr Balce of old Acct. £ 109 8 1 Augt. 19 ; do 10 - - 1827 May 15 ; Interest 4 16 5 Decr. 19 ; do 10 - - 1826 May 18 ; do 5 - - Sept 9 ; do 14 - - 1827 May 3 ; do 10 - - 15 ; Balce. carried
to New Account}52 4 6 £ 114 4 6 £ 114 4 6
Aberdeen 15 May 1827. The above Account settled
and the balance of Fifty two pounds 4/6 Sterling Carried
to the Credit of new Account -Jas Johnston Accomptant
Mifs Elizth Cattanach
1 Septr 1828
Dr Mifs Elizabeth Cattanach Huntly in Account
Current with the Banking Company in AbdnCr
Novr1 To Cash / order £ 12 - - 1827
May15 Cr Balce of old Acct £ 52 4 6 1828
Mar19 ; do 12 - - 1828
Mar6 ; Cash / recd 50 - - May 15 ; do 5 - - Sept 1 ; Interest 2 4 8 Septr 1 ; Balce carried
to new Acct.75 9 2 £ 104 9 2 £ 104 9 2
Aberdeen 1st September 1828. The above Account
Settled, and the Balance of Seventy five pounds 9/2
Stg Carried to the Credit of New Account -Jas Johnston Accomptant
Mifs Cattanach
21 March 1831
Dr. Mifs Elizabeth Cattanach Huntly in Account
Current with the Banking Company in AberdeenCr.
1830 May 28 To Cash / order £ 10 - - 1829 Nov 23 Cr Baln. of old acct. £ 45 3 2 1831 Mar 21 ; Baln. carried
to new account61 10 5 1830 July 19 Cash . Rect. 25 - - 1831 Mar 21 ; Interest 1 7 3 £ 71 10 5 £ 71 10 5
Aberdeen 21 March 1831 The above Account Settled and the Balance of
Sixty one pounds 10/5 Stg. Carried to the Credit of new Account -Jas Johnston Accomptant