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Mifs Elizabeth Catanach
North Briton (sic)

                                                 Iter Boreale Saint Georges Jamaica 8th October


            I fear you Consider, I have been much too long in replying to your last
letter, but you must not consider me as neglectfull or treating you and your sister
with disrespect, James Simpson Esqre, attorney to the heirs at Law, of the late
Daniel Tooney, has been in England near three years, he has been expected, from time to
time, to arrive in the Island and I have been waiting to have a personal interview
with him, to try and Compromise the chancery Suit so as to Secure Some-
thing for you, but he has not arrived and matters remain as they were, with this
difference, that chancery papers has (sic) been Served on me and I must put in an an-
swer in January, it would, I dare say, be satisfactory to you and your friends to
have a Copy of the chancellors decree of 1818. and some subsequent matters, if you
wish this, you have only to let me Know and I will transmit copies by some
mercantile ship, so as to save postage, if you saw those papers it would convince
you that I can do nothing, at present, for your Interest, neither Can I give you
Any hopes. I have tried in vain to get clear of your Brothers Estate, and I do afsure
you it would be a pleasing thing to me to give any person on the spot an accurate
Account of my little transactions with the property, you have a friend in Mr Glennie
a Gentleman with whom I am unacquainted, but have always heard him well spoke of
its more than probable he Knows something of chancery matters, to him I could wish you
to Submit your Case, he will give you and sound advice and should he require any
explanation, or information from me it shall be given with pleasure.

I am not in the least acquainted with chancery affairs, I dread them and do afsure you
I wish to be relieved of the Suit in Question, had your good brother Kept clear of
KillKelly and Daniel Tooney, he would have died pofses’d of something handsome, to my
certain Knowledge, every spare shilling, that he had for ten or twelve years went towards
this chancery Suit he was led on and induced to believe all would be refunded.

Am sorry I have not been able to give you a more Satisfactory Account of your
late Brothers affairs.-
                                                                                                    I remain Madam
                                                                                                    Your faithfull ob Sevt
                                                                                                    Adam Gray

Mifs Elizabeth Catanach

Adam Gray to Elizabeth Catanach, re the estate of Robert Catanach